Grace and Josie | A Blog for Moms

Rhode Island based Mom blogger sharing fashion, shopping, and lifestyle tips.

5 Tips to Kick Your Closet Into Shape

As a woman, how important is a closet? As something you interact with every single day, it's pretty important right? What if with a little planning you can kick your closet into shape and reduce your closet anxiety, find more things to wear and not have to worry on laundry day when you need to cram your wardrobe back into place...
Kick Your Closet Into Shape
Kick Your Closet Into Shape

My first instinct was to call this post: Melissa and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Closet, but changed my mind for SEO purposes. Other post titles that crossed my mind were: Is Your Closet Taking Years Off Your Life? Or My Closet is Trying to Kill Me. You get the point.

Size Doesn't Matter (that much)

The good news (for me anyway!) is that my closet size issue is about to be fixed in less than 3 months. However, I'm smart enough to know that it's not the size of your closet that determines your happiness in life. Remember that one. It's really not. I had a huge closet at my last house and while I didn't have the "jam everything in after all the laundry is done in the house" anxiety, I still had the "I have nothing to wear" anxiety.

Fix The Problem

So what's a girl to do? Whether you have a tiny closet space, or space is not an issue, I've found some really helpful resources that should please everyone. My approach comes down to these basic principles.
1.You've got to love it. ♥ (Get rid of the rest)
2. Get the right tools. (Maximize the value of your space with helpful dividers, baskets and bins)
3. Make it pretty. (Add some personal details through color to make you smile each time you open that closet - color hangers? Or one step further and hang your clothes by color!)
4. Get rid of the shoeboxes! (Want to add some real estate to your closet? Get rid of the boxes, trust me)
5. Evaluate (Continually evaluate the contents of your closet each season)

The Inspiration

Some inspiration for my future closet

For more awesome organizing pins, check out my board Organized Life

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