Grace and Josie | A Blog for Moms

Rhode Island based Mom blogger sharing fashion, shopping, and lifestyle tips.

5 Rules for #SXSW Packing

In just a few hours, I'll be boarding a plane for my March home-away-from home - the Austin Convention Center. This will be my fifth trip to Austin and I've learned a few things about how to prepare along the way. My role will be totally different this time since I've switched jobs. Instead of attending as a conference goer, I'll be hitting the pavement (and the trade show floor) to convince people why they should fall in love with the Focal Upright line of products.

Packing thoughtfully for SXSW (or any conference really) is essential to your overall personal comfort.

Rule #1 Comfortable shoes. Don't even think about the heels ladies. Heels are for suckers.
Rule #2 Bring an actual notebook and pen. As great as it is to think you can rely exclusively on your phone for jotting down the 3.15 million new things you'll learn, you'll want to conserve that battery. Trust me.
Rule #3 That brings me to #3. Remember this ABC - Always Be Charging. If you have an opportunity to charge your device. Do it. I've charged my phone on the floors of many buildings in Austin. There's no shame when your battery is at 11%.
Rule #4 Bring a water bottle. It's going to be HOT this year. Austin is pretty dry and hotels will suck every drop of moisture out of you.
Rule #5 Do not forget your headphones. In a place where sensory overload is only rivaled (in my humble opinion) by Las Vegas, you will want to tune out the world. There's only so many times you can overhear the word innovation before combusting.

BONUS TIP: The last one in here is a gift to you. It is a combination of Rule #1 and has a lot to do with Rule #3 and the floor sitting. We've all heard that sitting is the new smoking right? Well, when you're at SXSW you'll be lucky to get a seat! Seriously. There are way more people than seats in Austin, especially at places where the crowd wants to be. I've waited in EPIC lines (the longest was without a doubt to see Grumpy Cat) and do you know what would have made that experience better? A Mogo seat from Focal Upright. I'm not only their Social Media Manager, but a proud user. Stop by the booth at the Interactive Trade Show #629 and try it out for yourself. We're practically giving them away! Ok we are.

See you tonight Austin!

SXSW Packing List

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